Welcome Parents and Students!
I am Ms. Figueroa, your students English I teacher. I send you all virtual hugs <3 during this strange and uncertain time. I hope that if anything, everyone is enjoying having extra time to be with the ones you love.
If you are or have a student that needs counseling services during this time please select the link below.
Burbank High School Counseling Referral
Now on to school stuff :)
Starting March 30th students will begin their online learning, and as of now, students will be completing online learning until April 24th. Please read the online learning information below for my class.
If you have any other question please send me an email or a message on Remind.
Kind regards,
Ms. Figueroa
Ms. Figueroa's Online Learning Memo
English Version:
Spanish Version:
Online Class Schedule/Virtual Office Hours
English I Online Class Time:
Tuesdays & Thursdays 12:35 PM-1:30 PM
Virtual Office Hours:
Wednesdays 3:20 PM-4:00 PM
Fridays 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
Zoom Website (Download the app)
Online Learning English I Attendance
Starting the week of March 30th, students will have daily check ins for their attendance in my class. I will post the attendance check ins on google classroom on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Go to Google Classroom for your daily check in!