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Mr./Profe. Cruz - Stats and College Prep 23-24

Jesus Cruz 
(210) 228-1210 ext. 32289 
Rm: #3210

Tutoring: By appointment

Lets start this way, I graduate from Austin College in May 2022 receiving my BA in Math and Spanish. I'm a product of SAISD and I graduate from the Class of 2018 at Burbank HS. I love playing videogames, watch football and futbol(soccer) especially when my favorite team Monterrey Rayados are playing. Prefer being called Mr. Cruz or Profe Cruz, one of my goals is to help students achieve or be one step closer to their dreams. Also I am a huge advocate of college, so my other goal is to help every students get into college or university, because I know the students can go to college if someone gives the a push. 

                         A Day B Day 

1st Period- PLC 

5th Period -College Prep
2nd Period-College Prep
6th Period- Conference 
3rd Period- Stats 

7th Period-Stats

4th Period-College Prep
8th Period-Stats
Mascot Time from Monday to Thursday 


Lunches (11am-11:30 am)
Monday-Thursday: A Lunch during 2nd/6th period
Friday(Early Release)- A Lunch during 3rd/7th period

Bell Schedule 

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