I am from San Antonio and graduate from Judson High School. I attended Howard Payne University where I played football all four years and graduated with my bachelors .
This will be my 8th Year teaching/coaching, but my 2nd year at Burbank.
The subject I will be teaching is World History, as well as coaching football and basketball
1st Period- Athletics 5th- World History
2nd- World History 6th- World History
3rd- Conference 7th- World History
4th- World History 8th- World History
Tutoring : Monday 4:30- 5:00
Syllabus link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bgo7UUfCzMqUDb6GCSBa1xWbxJpYmFdf/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109522390366836100480&rtpof=true&sd=true