Principal Information
Derrick Brown

Derrick Brown is the Principal of the Young Men’s Leadership Academy, the first public school for boys in San Antonio, TX. The Young Men’s Leadership Academy has been featured on radio, local news and the front page of the San Antonio Express News for innovative practices and academic achievement. YMLA was the recipient of the first INSPIRE award for schools and also the Grand Prize winner for their PBIS video highlighting a unique campus culture.
Before leading the city’s first all boys school he led the change initiative at Douglass Elementary through reflective thinking practices, student input and a focus on constant improvement. Within one year, the school transformed from one of the lowest performing schools in the state to one of the most improved schools with distinctions in Reading and top 25% Student Progress. Mr. Brown was inducted into the Phi Delta Kappa Educator’s Hall of Fame. He was awarded the Outstanding Educator of the Year for District 2 and featured by KENS news as an Outstanding Community Member. He has been a featured speaker at educational conferences for School Improvement, Technology in Schools, Single Gendered Education and Positive Cultures in Schools. Derrick Brown has worked in education for 25 years serving students in public, private and charter schools.