- Parents of 6th grade students, please turn in any current or updated immunizations to Nurse Griffin. This will ensure that your child have the updated immunizations (TDAP and Meningococcal vaccine) they need to go to the 7th grade.
**They will not be allowed to start 7th grade without them.**
- If you have changed your home, cell, or work number please update those as soon as possible. You may leave a message on my phone (210) 978-7920 option # 3, and I will update it for you in my office as well as the front office.
Remember that children may not carry in their own medications. Parents will need to come in and sign a medication form. Any medications that need to be given for more than 5 days requires a form filled out by a physician.
- Cough drops may be brought in with a note from the parent. The cough drops will be left in the nurse's office and the student may come and get them as needed.