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"In Kindergarten, we learn together, we do our best, we set our goals high, and we ALL work as one team!"
Mrs. E 1.210.438.6865 deisele@saisd.net
Conference Time & Days Available
2:20-3:00 (M-W-F only)
Hi! My name is Danielle Elizondo but everyone calls me Mrs. E. I graduated from St. Mary's University in 2004 and began teaching in SAISD in January of 2005. I have taught kindergarten, first grade, and second grade for a total of 17 years. This year I will be a kindergarten teacher again and it will be my fifth year as a Schenck Owl! I am super excited for this opportunity and I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you. Let's make this the best year yet!
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