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Unit 1  Week 1 - 4

Overarching Questions and Enduring Understandings

How do readers think about the kind of reader they are and want to be as they establish themselves in a reading community? 


Unit Overview:

Fifth graders are welcomed into the reading workshop with an invitation to show off their knowledge, talent and energy for reading.  Fifth graders should be reading at a P/Q reading level or higher and will have to think about the kind of reader they are and want to be as they establish themselves inside our new reading community. 

Concept 1 will ask Fifth graders to think of the habits they bring to reading and the habits they want to create to strengthen their reading and make their reading community and their own personal reading growth the best it can be. Creating long term and short term personal reading goals, choosing just right text, and assisting the reading community meet and exceed classroom stamina goals will show readers the habits necessary for success. This concept also demonstrates for readers the need to read at a pace which allows for the greatest number of pages to be read, while still seeing the text in mind and understanding all that has been read.

Concept 2 will ask readers to understand that every bit of text they read is important to their understanding. Readers will enhance their strategies to clear confusion by stopping, rereading, and taking the time to figure out unfamiliar words while still envisioning the text and keeping their appropriate pace. Readers will think about their attitudes towards reading and the teaching hopes to influence a growth mindset where readers come to the work seeing its importance and the need to read many books across their days and weeks.

Concept 3 will organize readers into like-level partnerships. Readers reading the same or about the same levels, will be paired for thinking and conversation. Part of this thinking uses readers’ previous work with retelling to lift comprehension and conversation by teaching readers to summarize with the author’s message in mind. Readers learn to care for their partner by coming prepared to partnerships, listening well, and keeping an open mind. They will come to see that a reading partner is an important person in life, as partners help each other gain reading stamina and focus. Partners will not read aloud to each other except to prove a point or take their partner back to a page to clear confusion. Choral, echo and reading page by page together aloud are abandoned to allow readers more time for thinking and talking. At these levels, it is more important that readers learn to read silently to themselves during independent reading and read aloud only when needed in partnership, given their conversation or plans. Partners will push each other to think about strong habits needed to be strong readers. Looking at reading logs, sharing books read and noticing changes in each other over time will help partnerships bond; building a strong working relationship that will move into the next unit of study.

The unit, like all units, ends with a celebration. Empowering readers to reflect on ways they have changed as readers in this short time. 


Launching with Personal Narrative Stories

Unit 1  Week 1 - 6

Overarching Questions and Enduring Understandings

How do writers write personal narrative stories that elaborate the tension or problem and focus upon an important message or heart of the story?


Fifth grade students will be required to write narratives in which they orient their reader by establishing a situation and introducing a narrator or characters with the event sequence unfolding naturally.  Additionally, students are expected to use details including dialogue, descriptions of actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words and phrases to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure. The goal of this unit is for students to write personal narrative stories that elaborate the tension or problem and focus upon an important message or heart of the story.  Additionally, students revisit qualities of good writing and craft to write personal narratives. They will select their best work to revise, edit, and publish.

Lessons are designed to teach writers how to navigate through the process: generating story ideas, rehearsing for writing, drafting, rereading, revising and publishing. Mid-unit, children will choose their best work and revise this more deeply and extensively to share with an audience. Students will begin a second personal narrative piece as an independent writing project guided by previous sessions, anchor charts, conferences and small groups. Students will learn ways to raise the level of their writing within their independent writing project working at their own pace within the writing process. The unit culminates with students surveying their growth, recognizing their growing knowledge of good writing, their increasing repertoires of writing strategies and their success with cycling through the writing process in order to name their strengths but also determine future goals.


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