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Welcome to English II with Ms. Guajardo

Due to the current pandemic, all classes will now be online via Zoom once a week. All assignments will be posted on Google Classroom.

English 2 (1st, 7th, 8th) will be hosted on zoom every Monday 12:30-1:00.

English 2 P-AP (3rd, 4th, 6th) will be hosted on zoom every Thursday 1:15-1:45.

Office hours/Tutoring will be offered every Wednesday 10:00-11:00 or upon request if you email me.

Ms. Guajardo



Parents and students, it is very important that your child (or self) attend your assigned Zoom classroom meeting once a week. It is during those meetings, that I will explain how to complete your assignments on Google Classroom as well as my expectations.

Most of you have already joined my Google Classroom. If not, the code to join is below! Make sure to join YOUR class period, so you can receive your grade. If it helps, I also included how to join my Remind101 Text Messages, so I can send reminder text messages before we meet and when assignments are due.

English 2 Zoom Information (1st,7th, 8th):

Every Monday 12:30-1:00

Join Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting ID is on google classroom.

English 2 PAP Zoom Info. (3rd, 4th, 6th ):

Every Thursday1:15-1:45

Join Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting ID is on google classroom.

Google Classroom Class Codes to Join:

Join your specific google classroom according to your class period to access and complete all online assignments for a grade.


For your class code email me at


**Join Remind 101**

I will send text messages to remind you when to join Zoom and when assignments are due.

English 2 (1st, 7th, 8th)

Text: 81010

Text this message: @2eaece

English 2 P-AP (3rd, 4th, 6th)

Text 81010

Text this message: @g7acfa4


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