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Algebra 2

  • trying this out

What is expected of you.

In my class it will benefit you if you attempt and participate as much as you can. 

Class starts with a 5 minute warm up that you must attempt in order to get credit (stamp). Simply writing the problem down in 5 minutes will not earn you credit. At the end of the week I grade all warm ups for the week.

# of warm ups Each warm up is worth ______ points
3 33
4 25
5 20


You will be expected to have a journal for your warm ups, exit tickets and corrections to tests. This will stay in class with me as I will check it daily and give you feed back.

My main rules are:

  1. Work turned in on time and completed will be allowed to make corrections for full credit. This is due back in 2 days after it has been handed back.
  2. Work turned in late will not be allowed to make corrections. Grade is as is and highest you can get is a 50.

Here is the link for the Google Form for Getting To Know You.

Remember it is not mandatory but it is for a free 100 if completed by Friday Night (8/16/19).


Algebra 2 Syllabus

Alg 2 syllabus.pdf


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