The mission of the Office of Family and Community Engagement is to successfully develop and implement programs and strategies to engage parents and the community as partners to continually improve the academic performance of students.
We are able to achieve our mission by:
- Building capacity across all campuses
- Providing direct support and services to families and the community
The Highlands High School Family and Community Engagement Department welcomes you to 2023-2024 school year. On this page you will find different types of information related to our school including events and parent meetings and help that we provide to our families throughout our school district. If you need help or would like to be able to help, do not hesitate to contact us and we will gladly be here to assist you.
El Departamento de Familia y Compromiso a la Comunidad de Highlands High School les da la mas grata bienvenida a el nuevo 2023-2024 ciclo escolar! En esta pagina encontraran diferente tipo de informacion sobre nuestra escuela y ayuda que proveemos a nuestras familias por medio de nuestro distrito escolar y diferentes tipos de organizaciones. Si necesita ayuda o le interesa poder ayudar no dude en comunicarse con nosotros y con gusto lo atenderemos.